1993 - 2022
"Hell yah forever!" 〰 Dustin "Dusty" Palmer
Dustin became part of our Soju family in 2018. His love for the Soju community and Soju Sundays would encourage us to carry on during uncertain times.
Throughout the difficult process of moving to a new city, far away from his loving family on the East coast of Canada in Fredericton, New Brunswick, Soju Sundays became an escape for Dustin where he could dance the night away in his signature banana costume.
He quickly became someone we could not imagine Soju club nights without and hearing of his passing has been devastating. Dustin was kind, positive, inclusive and always having fun. We want to dedicate this page to honour our beloved friend who was also one of our biggest supporters.
If you knew Dustin please take the time to post on his Remembrance Board. You can share your memories, stories and photos you have with Dusty. A donation will be made on behalf of the Soju Fam to support Dustin's family during this incredibly difficult time.

Famous Banana Costume
If you had a pleasure meeting Dustin, there was a high chance he was rocking his famous banana costume. Dustin did not take himself or life too seriously and he knew how to have fun. We love that about him.
Love for Blackpink
While Dustin loved all K-Pop, his heart beaten faster and he danced harder when a Blackpink song came on. In a true Blink fashion, he was also a proud owner of the official lightstick he sometimes brought with him to Soju Sundays.

Gotta Catch 'Em All
When Dustin wasn't busy working, hanging out with friends or partying, he loved to explore different parts of the city and catching Pokémons. He was a proud trainer since young age and he recently got a special tat to pay homage to his level 100 Sandshrew he had on his copy of Pokémon Crystal as a child.
Shotgun Always
Dustin was a shotgun pro. If you go for a hike this year or if you find yourself on the Wreck Beach which Dustin loved, shotgun one beer for our dear Soju friend.